Among other topics, the latest research and practices to improve the care of dairy animals will be featured in several sessions at the 2022 Business Conference. Presented by the Professional Dairy Producers® (PDPW), the two-day event will bring together leading researchers in nutrition, lameness, the transition period, housing, and more.
PDPW Business Conference will be held March 16-17 at the Kalahari Resorts in Wisconsin Dells, Wis., and will feature nearly 60 keynote, break-out, hands-on and other sessions designed for all members of dairy teams, including sessions simultaneously translated into Spanish.
Sessions focused on animal wellbeing and care include:
· “Cow-calf contact systems” This day 1 specialty session will feature a panel discussion with a Scottish dairy farmer, a Norwegian veterinarian and a world-renowned animal-welfare expert to discuss perspectives on cow-calf separation and the newer models of cow-calf contact systems. Panelists include Charles Ellet, dairy manager of The Ethical Dairy; Dr. Julie Føske Johnsen, DVM, PhD, senior researcher at Norwegian Veterinary Institute; and Dr. Marina “Nina” von Keyserlingk, PhD, professor of animal welfare at The University of British Columbia. It will be facilitated by Dr. Jennifer Van Os, PhD, assistant specialist and extension specialist for animal welfare at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
· “World view of animal welfare” Highlighting animal-care practices around in the world, this day 1 breakout session will indicate areas in which animal care is meeting welfare standards and where it’s falling short. Presenters include Dr. Nigel Cook, BVSc, DVM, professor of food animal production medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, UW-Madison; Dr. Jennifer Walker, DVM, PhD, director of quality and care, Danone North America; and Dr. Nina von Keyserlingk, University of British Columbia.
· “Rethinking calf nutrition” A day 2 specialty session to be presented by Dr. Robert James, PhD, PAS, professor emeritus at the Dairy Science Department at Virginia Tech, and owner of Down Home Heifer Solutions, Inc. He will share the latest research on the dominant role calf nutrition plays in the adult cow’s productive life and how producers can optimize return on investment in calf-rearing programs.
· “Take care of the pain in every stage” This day 2 specialty session will be presented by Dr. Hans Coetzee, DVM, PhD, professor and head of the Department of Anatomy and Physiology at Kansas State University. In it, he’ll review several opportunities in which animal pain can be effectively mitigated and provide practical answers for some of the tough questions producers face.
· “The latest in lameness technology” Showcasing how video and artificial intelligence can improve herd management and prevent lameness issues, this day 2 specialty session will be presented by Dr. Dörte Döpfer, DVM, PhD, professor of food animal production medicine at the UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine.
· Learning Lounge sessions in the Hall of Ideas on both days will feature the latest in research and practical information regarding the care of transition cows, lameness and post-calving inflammation.
· “These feet are made for walking” Featuring an inside look at hoof structures using cadavers, this hands-on hub session will supply practical take-home tips to prevent and correct the costliest culprits of lameness. The interactive session will be presented by Dr. Gerard Cramer, DVM, DVSc, associate professor at the University of Minnesota and Roger Olson, dairy account manager, Zinpro Corporation.
Visit the 2022 Business Conference website for the conference flier, hotel and registration details, as well as information on exhibiting at the event. For the Spanish-language flier, click here.
Sessions at the 2022 PDPW Business Conference are accredited training and offer Dairy AdvanCE (DACE), American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists (ARPAS) and Certified Crop Advisor (CCA). To learn more or secure credits, visit