Campus life was difficult through 2020, but it did provide summer intern, Michelle Stangler, a unique opportunity she didn’t expect. The UW-River Falls, WRFW Radio, gave her the chance to start her own radio show. “Share the Positivity” was born. Once that adventure began, Stangler decided she wanted to pursue a summer internship with the Midwest Farm Report Network.
Stangler’s roots are in Watertown, Wisconsin and her families small dairy farm. That’s where she found a sense of community and decided she wanted to stay engaged with the agricultural family. Although her family sold the cows in 2018/19, she’s still got a few laying hens to keep her busy.
Stangler was an active member of 4-H and FFA, active in the dairy project and leadership programs. Her favorite competitive activity was the Poultry Evaluation Career Development Event. She also served a 2019-2020 Wisconsin FFA State Vice President.
This fall, Stangler be a sophomore at the UW-River Falls majoring in Agricultural Marketing Communications and minoring in Agricultural Business. She’s also involved in Collegiate Farm Bureau, Sigma Alpha, Poultry and Swine Club, Food Science Club, and WRFW Radio Club. Her internship was made possible, in part, through a grant provided by the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) Foundation.