Maximizing Yields With Crop Protection

The latest innovations and opportunities for crop protection aren’t necessarily new but rather improved use in stabilizers. 

Tim Swanson, product manager for CHS says, “The key is to maximize yields. With shortages, high costs, and other logistic issues, it’s important to know what your goals are, create plans to reach those goals, and look at the entire  season for opportunities.”

He says that recognizing weather patterns and market trends are key to projecting for your future. He suggests conducting soil tests, identifying your needs and quantities, and also seeing what products are available to start stocking up on now. 

“Being open to the new technologies that we have to make better decisions now can help maximize your profit at the end,” Swanson adds.

CHS has worked hard to provide assets to farmers that help them have not only a plan a, but a contingency plan too in case something goes wrong. With the constantly changing markets, it’s important to have a contingency plan in place and be prepared early.

“If you can store products through the winter, do so. Take what you can now and work closely with your seller to discuss your plans, needs, or changes to help plan for the upcoming year and volatility.”