Learn From Small Ruminant Webinars

Join University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension’s Livestock Program monthly on the second Tuesday of the month from 7:30 to 8:30 pm CST for the Small Ruminant Webinar (SRW) series.

There is no charge to participate in the sessions, but pre-registration is required to allow access to the session. Register online at http://go.wisc.edu/FarmReadyResearch.

March and April Sessions:

March 8, 2022: Parasite management for small ruminants in grazing systems. Gene Schriefer will discuss parasites and grazing management because overtime parasite loads on pasture can decrease the performance of both ewes and lambs and, in extreme cases, result in death. While dewormers are initially effective, more and more parasites are displaying resistance in Wisconsin, and producers may need to consider adjusting their pasture management to reduce the impact of parasites.

April 12, 2022: Bridging the gap between meat goat hobby and commercial meat goat business. Learn about management practices useful in the transition from hobby to a commercial farm, gain insight into strategies to improve your herd’s genetic base and explore if you have enough market to support expansion beyond your circle. JJ Jones, Agriculture Economics Extension Specialist from Oklahoma State University, will dive into questions that a hobby farmer needs to consider as they investigate scaling production beyond selling meat to friends and family.

The Small Ruminant Webinar series is a part of UW-Madison Extension’s Farm Ready Research winter programming for farmers and ag professionals to improve business profitability and lifestyles through informed decision-making.

Learn the most up-to-date information on topics from dairy and livestock production to forage and farm management. Farm Ready Research webinars continue through May 2022.