Cattle Vaccine Workshop Coming In April

The training of the farm personnel has positive impacts on animal welfare and performance, thus increasing the overall farm profitability. To support beef and dairy farms and their employees, the UW-Extension Dairy program has developed the “Handling and administration of vaccine and medicine in cattle” workshop.

This program will help farm personnel to understand the importance of the vaccine and medicine, the proper use and handling, and the consequences of the not proper administration and manipulation of animal health products.

Also, they will have a Hands-On demonstration and a farm tour.

The workshop training features Dr. Adrian Barragan, Associate research professor-Extension Veterinarian Penn State University Extension, and Flavio Silvestre, Dairy Tech Services at Zoetis Inc.

Join this event in April at the Hoard’s Dairyman Farm (N2856 Hwy. 89 Fort Atkinson, WI 53538) to take the opportunity to learn from and discuss with experts on the dates below:

Farmer specific meetings:
April 10, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. English session
April 11, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Spanish session

Pre-registration by April 5 is required. For more information and to register for the training, visit: