Wisconsin farmers harvested 51,900 acres of snap beans in 2023 for a total production of 6.75 million hundredweight (cwt), according to the latest vegetables summary from USDA. Wisconsin ranked first in the production of snap beans with 48 percent of the nation’s production.
The National Agricultural Statistics Service reports fresh market production totaled 148,400 cwt with a value of $13.8 million. Processing production accounted for 329,591 tons and had a total value of
$52.1 million.
Wisconsin farmers harvested 55,000 acres of sweet corn with a total production of 10.7 million cwt. Fresh market production accounted for 643,500 cwt with a total value of $25.9 million. Production of sweet corn for processing totaled 502,466 tons with a value of $58.3 million. Wisconsin ranked third for sweet corn production with 17 percent of the nation’s production.
Green pea production in Wisconsin in 2023 totaled 1.39 million cwt from 28,500 harvested acres with a value of $26.6 million. Fresh market production totaled 1,400 cwt for a total value of $274,000. The 69,470 tons of processing green pea production had a value of $26.3 million.
Cabbage production in 2023 totaled 2.40 million cwt with a total value of production of $32.3 million.
There were 6,900 acres of cucumbers harvested in 2023 with a total value of production of $23.6 million.
Wisconsin farmers harvested 2,900 acres of pumpkins in 2023 with a total value of production of $9.0 million.