As of Nov. 21, the DNR reports two firearm-involved hunting incidents during the opening weekend of the 2023 gun deer season, Nov. 18-19.
- Forest County, Argonne Township: On Nov. 18, in the morning hours, a 53-year-old male suffered a self-inflicted gunshot to the foot. The victim was walking to his tree stand on public property and adjusted his rifle sling when he accidentally pulled the trigger. The victim was transported to the hospital for non-life threating injuries.
- Adams County, Big Flatts Township: On Nov. 19, in the morning hours, a 62-year-old male shot once at a dog, which he believed was an antlerless deer on private property. The 47-year-old female victim who was walking that dog was shot in her abdomen. The victim was transported via Med Flight for her injuries.
Comparatively, during the opening weekend of the 2022 gun deer season, the DNR reported six firearm-involved hunting incidents. Of those incidents, three were self-inflicted gunshots.
Conservation wardens remind all hunters to always follow and practice the four main rules of firearm safety, otherwise known as the TAB-K formula:
T – Treat every firearm as if it is loaded.
A – Always point the muzzle in a safe direction.
B – Be certain of your target, what’s before it and what’s beyond it.
K – Keep your finger outside your trigger guard until you are safe to shoot.
Following the TAB-K formula is the best way for hunters to their part in preventing hunting incidents from occurring. This year, the DNR stresses the importance of always pointing your muzzle in a safe direction in addition to being certain of your target, what’s before it and what’s beyond it.