Professional Dairy Producers® (PDPW), announces the line-up of speakers for week 52 of The Dairy Signal™. Episodes this week will provide insights and updates on technologies revolutionizing the dairy industry, including panel discussions with producers at the cutting edge of these innovations.
Dan Venteicher, Iowa dairy producer, Jared Feltz, co-owner, Feltz Family Farms & Dairy Store, and Dr. James Salfer, Extension Professor, Center for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Minnesota, will share firsthand experiences with robotic milking systems and an update on how the technology has evolved. Zoey Nelson, COO of Brooks Farm 1855 LLC, and Heather Johnson, Calf Barn Manager, Alfalawn Farm, will review how automated calf feeders have fit into their operations.
Terry Allen, North American Business Development Manager, Consumer Physics, and Dr. Luiz Ferraretto, Assistant Professor and Ruminant Nutrition Extension Specialist, UW-Madison, will share how the SCiO Cup is being used to revolutionize the measurement and analysis of feed ingredients and rations.
Developed by fellow dairy farmers from the PDPW Board of Directors, The Dairy Signal is a weekly series of free educational episodes offering insights and resources for fellow dairy farmers and other food system professionals throughout the value chain. The episodes air live from 12:00-1:00 PM CT each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; recorded sessions are available later in the day.