Jefferson County Fair Park officials announced the annual Jefferson County Dairy Breakfast scheduled for Saturday will be canceled this year due to short staff and rising costs.
The 2020 dairy breakfast drive-thru event was “a great success” last summer, but this year’s goal was to offer an in-person breakfast, explains Amy Listle, Fair Park Director. Adjusting the traditional date from May to August was supposed to allow consumers in person.
“Unfortunately, we have encountered many obstacles which are proving to be very challenging to overcome in order to produce the successful community and promotional event we have all come to expect and enjoy,” Listle says. “We are short the staff and volunteers needed to run the operation and many supplies have gone up in cost, or are unavailable. The last thing we want to host is an event which does not meet the promotional goals or fundraising expectations of our events participants and community partners.”
Proceeds from the breakfast are annually reinvested back into the community through scholarships, grants and park improvements. Listle says Fair Park officials are exploring philanthropic ways to continue funding annual scholarship and grants without this fundraising event.
Those who purchased tickets for the 2021 Dairy Breakfast may receive a refund by returning their tickets to the Fair Park Office at 503 N. Jackson Ave. in Jefferson between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Any revenue generated from tickets not refunded will be considered a community support donation to the annual Dairy Breakfast scholarship and grants fund.
Planning for the 2022 Jefferson County Dairy Breakfast is underway with initial plans for the event returning to a more traditional date.