Farmer Angel Network (FAN) was started by a few Loganville and Reedsburg community members five years ago after a local farmer died by suicide. They came together not only to comfort their neighbors, family and friends, but also to do something to avoid this ever happening again.
While still run by a small group of local volunteers, it is now a recognized model throughout the state and nation for their efforts. They work to decrease the stigma associated with mental health struggles and promote the health of its farming community. FAN has been featured on a PBS Earth Focus documentary, PBS News Hour, NBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and more.
FAN is recognizing five years of progress in reducing mental health stigma and struggles. They’re hosting a free community event on Sunday, March 17, 2024, from 1:00 – 3:00 PM at Reedsburg’s CAL Center. This event will include a reception with light food and drinks, a program, and exhibits. There will also be a free viewing of “The S Word” film. Please note trigger warning – suicide attempt and ideation.
“THE S WORD” takes an intimate look at the lives of survivors of suicide and their loved ones. It records their candid and profoundly emotional stories of hope and survival. A suicide attempt survivor documents the stories of fellow survivors, their courage, insight and humor. This is a suicide project focusing on life. One testimonial states, “I kept finding that I was crying and laughing at the same time. No one expects to be inspired by a documentary on suicide but viewers will leave informed, inspired and uplifted.”
This event is free and open to the public. Registration is preferred by March 10, 2024, at or email