The UW Pesticide Applicator Training Program has created multiple formats for private applicator trainings to address increased training demand.
A private applicator is someone that applies restricted use pesticides to produce an agricultural commodity on their own property or the property owned or rented by an employer. Examples of agricultural commodities are grain and forage crops, fruit crops or horticulture products. A restricted use pesticide can be identified by checking the label of the product you wish to use.
Due to the pandemic, certification for private pesticide applicators was delayed, resulting in many people needing to be trained and tested in 2022. This program is encouraging private applicators to utilize the virtual and online training options to make efficient use of limited staff resources.
A Private Applicator Certification is valid for 5 years. There are three steps toward certification: purchasing the training manual, training and taking the test.
- Purchase the manual.
The manual is available for purchase online at the UW Pesticide Applicator Training Program store www.patstore.wisc.edu/secure/default.asp. The training fee with manual can be also ordered by mail. Manuals will also be sold at most UW-Madison Division of Extension County offices in 2022. Contact your local county Extension office: https://counties.extension.wisc.edu/. - Training.
There are four training options: self-study of the manual, Zoom webinar, self-paced online and in-person training. Registration is required for online training: www.patstore.wisc.edu/secure/default.asp. In-person trainings will be available, but with limited seating and availability due to staffing limitations. Registration will be required. Contact your Extension county office or the program for details. - Testing.
Testing for those that did self-study, online course or Zoom webinar will be available in most UW-Madison Division of Extension county offices in 2022.
DATCP has partnered with the private testing company Pearson Vue to offer an online test. This option requires a video camera, microphone and internet connection. Pearson Vue also has several brick-and-mortar testing sites in the state of Wisconsin. Pearson Vue charges $45 per test; your results will be provided at the end of the test. Credentials will then be sent by email within 1-3 days of completing the test. This option still requires the purchase of the manual.
Contact the UW Pesticide Applicator Training Program: [email protected] or 608-262-7588.
Register for an online training course or Zoom webinar: https://go.wisc.edu/greo5e
Find a training in your area: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/pat/events/