DCHA Offers Two $1,000 Scholarships

Due to generous support from auctioning off the original Bonnie Mohr painting – “Enchanted Pastures” – the Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (DCHA) will award an additional $1,000 scholarship in 2024.

To be eligible for one of DCHA’s $1,000 scholarships, applicants must be a college student and DCHA member; or the parent/legal guardian must belong to DCHA. Applications are due Feb. 21. An individual may only receive a DCHA scholarship once.
To apply for the scholarship, applicants must:
•      Complete at least one year of post high school education
•      Be an enrolled student in good standing at an accredited college or university
•      Be enrolled in a field of agriculture (e.g., dairy science, animal science, veterinary science, agricultural technical program, ag communications) or in a course of study with relevance to agriculture (preference is given to dairy calf/heifer-related fields of study)
•      Be a DCHA member; or the son, daughter or legal dependent of a DCHA member

Applications must be received by end of business day on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. Email completed applications to jodee@calfandheifer.org.

Go to: https://calfandheifer.org/scholarship for more information and to apply.