This week’s episodes of PDPW’s The Dairy Signal™ will give dairy producers a look at best practices in newborn-calf care, the latest findings in transition-cow research and an update on market and industry news. The Tues., Mar. 29 episode will feature research on gut health for newborn calves, and the Wednesday session is the monthly Rising Stars – Graduate Research Showcase with graduate students sharing research programs on reducing inflammation in the transition period. The bi-weekly market and industry news update will return on Thurs., Mar. 31.
Tuesday, Mar. 29
Hear about the latest research findings in caring for newborn calves, including the non-IgG factors that are important to stimulating the gut health while building the calf biome. Episode presenter will be:
- Dr. Robert James, PhD, PAS, Professor Emeritus, Dairy Science Department Virginia Tech; owner of Down Home Heifer Solutions, Inc.
Wednesday, Mar. 30
This month’s Rising Stars – Graduate Research Showcase will feature Iowa State University graduate students and their research findings regarding the effects of hindgut acidosis on intestinal-barrier dysfunction in dairy cows. The episode will also discuss current work on the immune activation’s role in transition-cow performance and potential dietary solutions. Episode presenters will be:
- Megan Abeyta, PhD Candidate, Iowa State University
- Brady Goetz, PhD Student, Iowa State University
- Dr. Lance Baumgard, PhD, Professor, Norman L. Jacobson Endowed Professor in Dairy Nutrition, Iowa State University
Thursday, Mar. 31
We’re three months into the year; gain insight on the latest news and analysis of agricultural markets and trends that will impact dairy producers and ag industry. Episode presenter will be:
- Dan Basse, President of AgResource Company