Crop condition in Wisconsin continues to improve with increased precipitation and milder weather. The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Crop Progress & Condition report holds good news for Wisconsin farmers.
Corn is reported 5 percent silking, three days behind last year, and one day behind the 5-year average. Corn condition is rated 77 percent good to excellent, 2 percentage points better than last week.
Soybeans are reported 52 percent blooming, two days behind last year, but a week ahead of the average. Eleven percent are setting pods. Soybean condition is rated 73 percent good to excellent, 2 percentage points above last week.
Oats are reported 93 percent headed, a day ahead of last year and a week ahead of the average. Fifty-two percent of oats are coloring. And harvest has started for the crop, now at 2 percent harvested. Oat condition is rated 72 percent
good to excellent, 2 percentage points above last week.
Potato harvest is reported 1 percent complete. Potato condition is rated 96 percent good to excellent, a percentage point above last week.
And winter wheat is reported 93 percent coloring, five days ahead of last year and nine days ahead of average. Nine percent of winter wheat for grain is harvested. Winter wheat condition was rated 76 percent good to excellent statewide, the same as last week.