Wyman Speaker Series at UWRF Features Food Industry Expert

Joshua Specht, an expert on the food industry and its varied societal impacts, is the featured speaker for a Wednesday, March 6, presentation for the Walker and Helen Wyman Performing Arts and Speaker Series at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. 

Specht’s presentation is titled “Work in the Slaughterhouse, Work in the Kitchen: A Historical Perspective on the Possibilities and Limits of Food Politics.” It will be from 4:40-6 p.m. in the North Hall Auditorium, 410 S. 3rd St., River Falls. The event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

In his presentation, Specht will examine labor along the food supply chain. He will also explain how people attach meaning to the foods we prepare and consume. He will discuss how those perceptions, in turn, impact such issues as prices, environmental impacts and also labor related to the food industry, and whether society can escape those dynamics.  

For more information about the event, call 715-425-4170 or email john.ryan.fischer@uwrf.edu.