Winter wheat production in Wisconsin was estimated at 18.4 million bushels, up 113 percent from 2020 according to the USDA’s latest small grains summary.
Planted area, at 290,000 acres, was up 81 percent from last year. Winter wheat area harvested for grain was 245,000 acres, up 96 percent from last year. Winter wheat yield, at 75 bushels per acre, was up 6 bushels per acre from last year.
Oat production was estimated at 3.78 million bushels, down 54 percent from last year. Oats planted, at 175,000 acres, was down 42 percent from last year. Harvested area for grain was 61,000 acres, down 53 percent from the harvested acres last year. Oat yield, at 62 bushels per acre, was down 1 bushel per acre from last year.
Barley production, estimated at 371,000 bushels, was down 38 percent from last year. Planted area, at 15,000 acres, was
down 42 percent from 2020. Harvested area for grain, at 7,000 acres, was down 46 percent from last year. The Wisconsin barley yield was 53 bushels per acre, up 7 bushels per acre from last year.
Rye production in Wisconsin was estimated at 820,000 bushels, up 3 percent from last year. Planted area, at 270,000 acres, was up 26 percent from 2020. Harvested area for grain, at 20,000 acres, was unchanged from last year. The Wisconsin rye yield was 41 bushels per acre, up 1 bushel per acre from last year.