With warmer temperatures and more exposure to the sun just around the corner, next week’s episodes of The Dairy Signal™ from Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) will highlight strategies to keep people and farms safe, and the impact of heat stress on dairy cow reproduction.
This week’s episodes of The Dairy Signal will cover the following topics:
Tuesday, May 17
Protecting yourself and your team from the sun and heat stress has both short- and long-term health benefits. Learn strategies for working and playing safely in the heat, including sun-protection tips and how to prevent and identify heat stress and heat stroke. Episode presenter will be:
· Leslie Olivares, Education and Outreach Specialist, Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety, University of California, Davis
Wednesday, May 18
A quick response can save property and lives in case of a fire. Discover important tips to prevent common fire hazards and learn how to respond when equipment or tractors overheat – or when a fire starts in a barn. Episode presenter will be:
· Gerald Minor, Fire Chief, Pittsville Fire Department
Thursday, May 19
Take a closer look into how heat stress impacts dairy cow reproduction, including longer breed-back time, incidence of twins and more. Learn practical strategies to combat these adverse effects during warmer summer months. Episode presenter will be:
· Dr. Paul Fricke, PhD, Dairy Reproduction Specialist at University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Dairy Signal™ is a weekly series of free educational episodes offering insights and resources for fellow dairy farmers and other food system professionals throughout the value chain. Developed by dairy farmers and members of the Professional Dairy Producers® (PDPW) Board of Directors, the episodes air live from 12:00-1:00 PM CT each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Live sessions offer attendees the opportunity to engage in open Q&A with the speakers; recorded sessions are available later in the day. All Dairy Signal episodes are accessible through www.pdpw.org.