UW-River Falls To Host Equine Event

The University of Wisconsin-River Falls will offer a Horse Judging Youth Clinic on Saturday, March 26 at the Campus Farm, 1475 S. Wasson Lane, River Falls. The clinic is intended for 4-H and FFA youth members as well as agricultural education coaches interested in learning or improving their horse judging skills. Participants of all judging experiences and levels are welcome.

The clinic instructor is Casie Bass, Assistant Professor of Animal Science at UW-River Falls and coach of the UW-River Falls Horse Judging Team.

Participants will learn how to evaluate horse balance, conformation, in-hand classes, as well as various performance classes. Participants will also learn how to:

  • effectively take notes when judging various classes
  • provide a solid set of oral reasons (with the opportunity to hear and give sets of oral
  • accurately evaluate balance, conformation, muscling, and overall quality of stock breed
  • correctly judge halter, Western pleasure, trail, ranch riding, hunter hack, and equitation
    based on the AQHA handbook

Both videos and live horses (for halter and performance classes) are included at the clinic. The clinic will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on March 26. Costs are:

  • $90 for participants which includes lunch, snacks, a judging manual, a t-shirt, and
    participation in all activities
  • $50 for auditors which covers lunch, snacks, and listening to all activities (no judging
    manual or t-shirt provided)

The registration deadline is Wednesday, March 23. To register, visit www.uwrf.edu/ANFS/EquineClinics.cfm

For more information, email [email protected]