The Maliszewski Family will host the 40th Annual Trempealeau County Dairy Breakfast on June 12th as a part of the month- long celebration for June Dairy Month. Maliszewski Dairy began in 1960 with the purchase of the original 176-acre farm by Arnold & Marie Maliszewski. It included a 26-cow stanchion barn, hog barn & a chicken coop. They raised six children & imprinted a fiery work ethic in them all.
Major growth to Maliszewski Dairy came in 2015. The farm began milking with eight DeLaval robots (each with a miniherd averaging 2.8 milkings/day per cow). An automated calf-feeding facility allowed for more-frequent & smaller feedings that support optimized growth. A new forage storage facility was built with a 21,000-ton feed capacity. All of this has allowed the farm to grow to its present size of 730 cows & 900 supporting livestock.
Maliszewski Dairy started as a family farm and remains a family farm. Ed, Darin, many employees & partners are responsible for the operation’s success. Debbie will always be remembered for her tireless & passionate work that has set the standard for the education and promotion of today’s dairy industry.
A pancake and sausage breakfast will be served on the Maliszewski’s dairy farm, four miles north of Arcadia on HWY 93 from 6 am – 11 am. Cost is $7 for adults, $3 for children ages 6 -12, 5 and under is free. Attendees can also enjoy music by the silver edition band, machinery displays, complimentary ice cream treats, cheese curds from the Trempealeau County Fair Fry Shack and milkshakes from Trempealeau County Farm Bureau! Wagon farm tours will be provided throughout the morning. Trempealeau County Dairy Ambassador Kendra Goplin will crown the 2021 Trempealeau Dairy Ambassador at 10:30 a.m.
Celebrate June Dairy Month with the Maliszewski’s and enjoy a day on the farm at the Trempealeau County Dairy