Transitioning To Organic? A Mentor Can Help.

The United States Department of Agriculture Midwest Transition to Organic Partnership Program connects farmers who are looking to become certified organic for the first time or certified in a new scope with experienced mentor producers.

Through a network of partner organizations like Marbleseed, the Organic Grain Resource and Information Network (OGRAIN) at UW-Madison, and others, the program facilitates mentor-mentee connections and provides resources. Mentors assist with navigating the organic transition and certification process and provide free expert advice on organic best practices.

Applicants who wish to be mentored may already be in transition and working with a certification agency, or they may be farming conventionally and interested in starting the transition process. There is no cost for mentees in TOPP, and mentees receive travel and education stipends up to a defined limit.

Mentors must have at least three years of experience with organic production and certification, a strong understanding of organic rules and regulations, and an interest in sharing knowledge and giving back to the organic community. Mentor farmers receive a $3,000 stipend for each year they mentor.

Learn more about TOPP:

Learn more about OGRAIN and its upcoming conference:

See Marbleseed’s factsheet: