The First Look At Crop Condition

Wisconsin farmers crawled along with spring planting last week with just three days suitable for fieldwork. USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service says another wet week slowed fieldwork and increased concerns for the timing of planting, especially in northern areas.

Delays in cutting hay have been reported to impact quality. Dry weather later in the week did allow for some tillage, planting crops, and cutting hay.

The first cutting of alfalfa hay was 35 percent complete, four days behind last year but a day ahead of the 5-year average. All hay condition improved to 82 percent good to excellent. Pasture and range condition improved to 74 percent good to excellent.

Corn planting was 84 percent finished, a week behind last year and two days behind the average. Corn emergence was at 68 percent.

Soybean planting was 82 percent done, five days behind last year but two days ahead of average. Soybean emergence was at 61 percent.

The first corn and soybean conditions of the year had 70 percent of the crop rated good to excellent.

Oat planting progress was 92 percent complete. Oat emergence was at 79 percent, a day ahead of both last year and the average. The crop was 8 percent headed. Oat condition was 80 percent good to excellent, down 1 percentage point from last week.

Winter wheat was 49 percent headed, four days ahead of last year and a week ahead of average. Winter wheat condition was rated 83 percent good to excellent, down 3 percentage points from last week.
Potato planting was nearly complete with 98 percent planted. Potato condition declined to 85 percent good to excellent.