See The Summer Field Day Schedule

Summer is field day season at the Agricultural Research Stations. Over the course of the growing season, the stations host more than a dozen public events to share research updates and educational information.

Events are free unless otherwise noted. Details for some field days are still being finalized.

For continually updated information, visit the field day website at

Orchard and Vineyard Walk – Peninsular

June 26, 2024, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Peninsular Agricultural Research Station, 4312 WI-42 Hwy, Sturgeon Bay, WI

Join the UW Fruit Team to discuss plant, pest, and disease updates while walking the vineyards and orchards at the Peninsular Ag Research Station. The discussion will focus on the current season’s progress and ongoing research from UW’s fruit pathology, entomology and horticulture labs. For more information, contact (920) 743-5406 or

UW Potato Research Field Day – Hancock

July 11, 2024, 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Hancock Agricultural Research Station, N3909 County Road V, Hancock, WI

This field day provides opportunities for growers and industry representatives to network and get research updates on potato projects. A dinner will be provided by the WPVGA. For more information, contact

Pasture Walk in Marathon County – Marshfield

July 18, 2024, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Marshfield Agricultural Research Station, 208356 Drake Ave, Stratford, WI 54484

Discussion topics will showcase innovative ideas and will include forages, nutrient quality, management of animals on pasture, plus ways to offset the costs of grazing via cost share or available programs. Scientists will be on hand to talk about their grazing research. 

Rhinelander Field Day

July 31, 2024, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Rhinelander Agricultural Research Station, 4181 Camp Bryn Afon Rd, Rhinelander, WI

At this summer’s field day, the station is partnering with LifeLink III, a non-profit medical flight company, which will host a helicopter flight demo (weather permitting) and give a short presentation on their mission. In addition, speakers will share updates on potato breeding research, managing potato insects, seed certification, and the station’s phytoremediation and pollinator projects.

Commercial Growers of Wisconsin Ornamental Field Day

August 1, 2024, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

West Madison Agricultural Research Station, 8502 Mineral Point Rd, Verona, WI

Wisconsin Turfgrass Association Summer Field Day – Verona

August 6, 2024, TBA

O.J. Noer Turfgrass Research and Education Facility, 2502 S. Pleasant View Road, Verona, WI

This field day, organized by the Wisconsin Turfgrass Association and the station, features morning sessions and tours focused on lawn care and general turf management. After a trade show and lunch, the focus shifts to golf turf management. For more information and to register, visit Contact with questions.

Garden Open House and Tour – Hancock

August 15, 2024, 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Hancock Agricultural Research Station, N3909 County Road V, Hancock, WI

Enjoy the pond and babbling brook, the garden grounds, and new plant additions at this open house. The event will include a wagon tour of the station where attendees can learn more about research projects and activities. For more information, contact

Hemp Research Field Day – Arlington

August 20, 2024, 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Arlington Agricultural Research Station, N695 Hopkins Road, Arlington, WI

The Ellison Lab in the Department of Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences invites you to a field day about the latest hemp research being conducted at UW. Presentations will be given in a “speed run” format by UW–Madison faculty and staff. Topics include industrial hemp variety trials, high cannabinoid hemp variety trials, feral hemp germplasm, companion cropping in hemp, hemp fiber quality and more. Attendees will be shuttled to trials/presenters across the research station. Register at For more information, contact Phil Alberti at

Twilight Garden Tour – Spooner


Spooner Agricultural Research Station, 780 Orchard Lane, Spooner, WI

UW Organic Agriculture Research Field Day – Arlington

August 26, 2024

Arlington Agricultural Research Station, N695 Hopkins Road, Arlington, WI

Attendees will get a look at organic research conducted at the University of Wisconsin as well as an introduction to opportunities for farmers to grow climate-smart commodities.

UW Agronomy and Soils Field Day – Arlington

August 28, 2024

Arlington Agricultural Research Station, N695 Hopkins Road, Arlington, WI

Fungi Fest – Woodruff

September 27-28, 2024

Kemp Natural Resources Station, 9161 Kemp Road, Woodruff, WI

This event has something for everyone – including fungiphiles and those new to the fabulous world of fungi! Friday evening features various indoor presentations. Saturday morning begins with a “foray” to collect wild mushrooms, followed by extensive discussion about the morning’s collections. As the date approaches, more information will be posted at Or contact Karla for details at or (715) 358-5667.