The rain this past week was welcome, but it hampered fieldwork in some areas. When growers did get to the field, they harvested small grains, potatoes, apples, and hay, says the National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Corn in the dough stage reached 82 percent, a day behind last year but a day ahead of the 5-year average. Forty-three percent of corn has reached the dent stage. Scattered reports of corn silage harvesting were observed. Corn condition remained at 65 percent good to excellent.
Ninety-five percent of the soybean crop was setting pods. Soybeans coloring reached 18 percent, two days ahead of last year and a day ahead of average. Soybean condition was rated 61 percent good to excellent, down 2 percentage points from last week.
Oats were 92 percent harvested, remaining ahead of last year and the average.
Winter wheat planting has begun and was 5 percent complete.
The third cutting of alfalfa hay was 93 percent complete and fourth cutting was 30 percent complete. All hay condition was rated 78 percent good to excellent, up 3 percentage points from last week.
Potato harvest was 34 percent complete. Potato condition remained at 90 percent good to excellent.
Pasture and range condition was rated 61 percent good to excellent, up 4 percentage points from last week