Each year the Wisconsin FFA state safe tractor operators contest is held in conjunction with Wisconsin Farm Technology Days. The case will be the same this year, however the contest may look a little different. Adam Wehling of Chippewa Valley Technical College fills us in on the plan for this year’s contest.
In a normal year, sectional contests would be held around the state to decide the qualifiers for the state contest. This year, those sectional contests won’t be happening, so each FFA chapter will be allowed to send two contestants to compete at Farm Technology Days in Eau Claire. The contest will happen over all three days of the event with room for about 24 contestants each day.
Wehling recognizes the importance of this contest saying “making sure that everybody goes home safe at the end of the day is a top priority for employers, student employees and the industry” when talking about operating tractors on farms. If any students are interested in participating in this year’s contest, Wehling recommends working closely with local ag teachers as CVTC and the Wisconsin FFA Center will be sending out information to all FFA chapters across the state.