Remember The Dicamba Cutoff Dates

The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection reminds agricultural producers and commercial pesticide applicators of federal regulatory changes related to over-the-top (OTT) dicamba products.

On Feb. 6, the U.S. District Court of Arizona vacated the registrations for OTT dicamba products, labeled for post-emergent or OTT application to dicamba-tolerant soybeans.

The three impacted products are:

  • Engenia Herbicide®, manufactured by BASF
  • Xtendimax® With VaporGrip® Technology, made by Bayer CropScience
  • Tavium® Plus VaporGrip® Technology, a Syngenta product

On Feb. 14, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a cancellation order to clarify what can be done with existing stocks. The EPA’s cancellation order, which can be accessed in its entirety at, contains the following upcoming dates:

  • Existing stocks in the channels of trade as of Feb. 6, 2024 may continue to be sold until May 31, 2024.
  • Use of these products can continue on dicamba-tolerant soybeans until the label cutoff date of June 30, 2024.
  • The sale or use of these products on dicamba-tolerant soybeans is prohibited after these dates.

Agricultural producers and commercial pesticide applicators with questions should email DATCP’s Pesticide Program:

Find more information regarding these products: