Register Now For The Badger Crops And Soils Update Meetings

Registration remains open for the Badger Crops and Soils Update Meetings, Dec. 3-6,
2024! This year, there will be three full-day, in-person sessions in Eau Claire (Dec. 3),
Arlington (Dec. 4) and Appleton (Dec. 5), along with one virtual session (Dec. 6).

Each meeting will present the latest information on agronomic, pest, and nutrient
management research coming out of the University of Wisconsin and how to apply the
findings on real Wisconsin farms.

In this full-day workshop, UW–Madison researchers and Extension educators will
present on soil and water, forage and grain, economics, and pest management research
findings and best practices. Six CCA continuing education units will be available to
attendees: 2.5 crop management, 1.0 nutrient management, 1.0 pest management, and
1.5 soil and water credits.

Registration is open, and walk-in registration will be available this year as well. To
register and find more information, visit