DATCP has released the 2022-2023 impact report for the Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grant Program (PLWPG). This shows that conservation practices among producer-led groups in the program rose by 43% from 2022 to 2023. These practices help reduce soil erosion and phosphorus loss from farm fields. This ensures that nutrients go into farmers’ crops instead of local water sources.
The report data highlights the many ways the PLWPG Program helps increase the use of conservation practices across farmland in the state. According to DATCP’s analysis, in 2023, there were 2,016 farmer members participating in producer-led groups that operate 782,674 acres of Wisconsin cropland. These groups conducted 182 outreach events to fellow farmers and community members, reaching 11,962 attendees regarding numerous conservation and water quality topics in agriculture. The groups started and maintained 93 on-farm demonstration and research projects, which help farmers, landowners, and agricultural professionals learn and implement new soil health strategies and conservation systems.
The total reported conservation practice acreage rose to 1.5 million acres in 2023, up from 1.1 million acres in 2022. More specifically, the program saw a 29% increase in acres covered by a nutrient management plan, a 15% increase in acres managed using no-till practices, and a 2% increase in cropland receiving cover crops.