The Wisconsin Pork Association (WPA) and National Pork Board (NPB) are hosting a foreign animal disease (FAD) tabletop exercise on September 17th, 2024, at the West Madison Agricultural Research Center in Verona, WI. Pork producers of all sizes, and allied industry members, are encouraged to attend this informational event.
If a FAD is detected in the United States, all swine and product movements will be stopped for a minimum of 72 hours. Are you prepared for a foreign animal disease outbreak? If there is an outbreak, how will you keep it off your farm? What is your plan before, during, or after an outbreak? These are questions that pork producers around the country should be asking themselves.
Event Details
Join Wisconsin Pork Association at this interactive, scenario-based event to learn how to respond to the questions above through preparedness and education. Dr. Patrick Webb, Director of Swine Health Programs at National Pork Board, will lead this event to help pork producers and industry stakeholders
get a clear picture of what to expect and how to prepare for a devastating event like African Swine Fever
(ASF) or Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD).
With the use of a dioramic model, Dr. Webb will help participants better understand the movement stop
in the pork industry and challenge them to discuss options and ideas to deal with such a significant disruption to their operations and the industry. Keri Retallick, Executive Vice President of WPA stated,
“It’s essential that farmers and allied industry representatives within the pork supply chain are prepared
for an FAD. Moreover, it’s our job to equip and educate them on the resources available to assist in an
outbreak. By doing these two things, we can better protect and ensure the future of the swine industry
if an FAD ever occurs. We are excited for this impactful event and eager to educate and protect producers in Wisconsin and beyond.”
9:00 a.m. Registration
9:30 a.m. Classroom session
12:30 p.m. Lunch (Provided)
1:00 p.m. Tabletop Exercise
4:00 p.m. Finish
To learn more or register for this event, visit, email or call 608-723-7551 by September 10th. This event is free to attend.