Jefferson October is “Pork Month” in the agriculture world and we’ll be celebrating
accordingly at the Jefferson County Fair Park on October 29th. Fair Park officials are planning to host a drive-thru pork chop dinner & fundraiser on Thursday, October 29, 2020 from 4-7pm. There will be a
freshly prepared dinner complete with 2 grilled pork chops, baked potato with fixings, coleslaw, applesauce, bread & milk. The first 200 customers in line will receive a complimentary ice cream token to be redeemed at Jones Market in Fort Atkinson.
Pre-sale tickets are available at the Fair Park Office, PremierBank Locations and Jones Market for $13 each until 5:00 p.m. on October 23, 2020. Tickets at the gate are $15 each.
All funds raised will be used to finish the Jones Dairy Farm Swine Barn that was built at the Fair Park in 2019 by adding new swine pens, PA system and updating the siding and windows in the original swine barn next to it that is need of repair. “Our goal is to raise $25,000 to complete the swine barn projects.
This will greatly benefit our exhibitors that use the building and the equipment during the Jefferson County Fair and other agriculture events that we host throughout the year” said Micheala Slind, Marketing Specialist at the Jefferson County Fair Park.
The Jefferson County Pork Chop Dinner was a long-standing event previously hosted by the Jefferson County Pork Producers organization and held at the Jefferson County Fair Park each year. “The Jefferson
County Pork Producers dissolved several years ago and donated their remaining funds to the Fair Park to put towards the new swine barn. We are very grateful for their donation and several past members
have expressed their support for us bringing the event back to Jefferson County.” said Amy Listle, Fair Park Director.
If you have questions, are interested in sponsoring or volunteering at the event please contact the Jefferson County Fair Park Office or visit our website: