Order Early, “Bee” Ready

No one wants to open their mailbox and find a swarm of bees. But for those passionate about beekeeping, that’s exactly what they’ll be hoping for soon. With the new year underway, Blain’s Farm & Fleet is helping beekeepers prepare for spring with their live honeybee orders. Ordering early ensures bees will be ready to pollinate gardens, support crops, produce honey, and help the environment as soon as flowers begin to bloom. Whether you’re a seasoned beekeeper or just starting, now is the perfect time to set your hive up for success. Joe Lopez, Communications Manager for Blain’s Farm & Fleet, shares everything you need to know to get your hives buzzing this spring.

“We’re excited to start delivering bees for the season,” said Lopez. “If you order by March 16th, you can expect your bees between April 22nd and May 16th, depending on weather conditions.”

The store offers two types of bees for orders: Italian and Carniolan. “Both types are great for different beekeeping styles,” Lopez explained. “Each package comes with approximately three pounds of bees and a queen, ensuring you have a good start.”

Though no qualifications are needed to order, Lopez emphasized the importance of early ordering. “Honeybee supplies are limited, and demand grows as warmer weather arrives,” he said. “It’s crucial to place your order early to secure your bees.”

For those with existing colonies, adding a new hive is also a consideration. “It’s easier to order bees from us than trying to grow your colony organically,” Lopez noted. “You’ll need a queen for a new hive, which we also sell separately.”

Preparing for bee delivery is key to success. “Choose a sunny, safe spot for your hive, away from traffic and predators like skunks or bears,” Lopez advised. “Staining your hive with light colors will help keep it cool during hot summer days.”

Winter care is essential for maintaining healthy colonies. “Use insulation, limit disturbances, and keep hives sealed to avoid damage,” Lopez advised.

Lopez’s advice for aspiring beekeepers: “Start early, gather your equipment, and make sure your bees have the right environment to thrive.”