Wisconsin got its first “crop progress” report for the growing season of 2021. Although there wasn’t a lot of activity to report – farmers are keeping an eye on the weather, both temperatures and rainfall, as a guide to what happens next.
According to the Wisconsin Ag Statistical Service, spring tillage had begun on lighter soils. Farmers were also prepping machinery and spreading manure on alfalfa and winter wheat. Overwintered crops were beginning to break dormancy; they were reportedly in good condition thanks to persistent snow cover during cold weather and a mild March. Reporters commented that planting should start early this season if favorable conditions hold. The maple syrup season had already ended in some areas as nighttime temperatures rose above freezing.
Topsoil moisture condition rated 7% very short, 25% short, 64% adequate and 4% surplus. Subsoil moisture condition rated 5% very short, 18% short, 71% adequate and 6% surplus.
Winter wheat condition was rated 69% good to excellent statewide, down from 84% good to excellent at the end of November.
Four percent of oats are planted, 3 days ahead of last year and 6 days ahead of the 5-year average.
Spring tillage was reported as 8% complete, 9 days ahead of last year and 13 days ahead of the average.
In other areas of the United States, acres have actually been planted. USDA reported that as of Easter weekend, Texas had 55% of its corn already in the ground, slightly behind last year. Cotton was 10% complete in Texas, 27% completed in Arizona.