Compeer Financial, a member-owned Farm Credit cooperative, will host its annual GrainVantage meeting virtually on Tuesday.
At GrainVantage, farmers will gain insights into ag policy, learn about supply chain happenings in the fertilizer industry and get an update on the carbon marketplace. Experts will also share strategies to manage risk during times of volatility and uncertainty.
The Dec. 7 event features speakers Jim Wiesemeyer, Washington policy analyst with Pro Farmer/Farm Journal, Josh Linville, senior risk management consultant and director of fertilizer at StoneX Financial Inc. and Bryan Stanek, VP industry specialist at Compeer Financial.
“As we wrap up another year, now is the time to look at the bigger picture and see how your operation fits in with the latest changes in our industry,” says Stanek. “Grainvantage offers grain producers the chance to gain an edge in 2022.”
GrainVantage begins at 9 a.m. and wraps up at 12:30 p.m. There is no cost to attend, and the first 600 registrants who attend the event will receive a gift box. The meeting will also be recorded and available on demand for those who register.
Register: compeer.com/grainvantage
Or call Compeer Financial at (844) 426-6733