As April turns into May, The Dairy Signal™ from Professional Dairy Producers (PDPW) will give listeners the opportunity to interact with experts to more effectively manage team meetings, look ahead to an optimal alfalfa harvest, and consider variation in feed rations.
This week’s episodes of The Dairy Signal are sponsored by Alforex Seeds and will cover the following topics:
Tuesday, May 3
Time is money for busy dairy teams. Make the most of management-team meetings by inviting the right team members and practicing effective meeting techniques. Episode presenters will be:
· Liz Griffith,Market Development, Human Resource Consultant, Encore Consultants
· Tim Schaefer, CFP, Certified Family Business Advisor, Certified Professional Business Coach, Encore Consultants
Wednesday, May 4
Maximize your 2022 alfalfa harvest with strategies for optimizing forage quality and yield, harvest planning for different varieties and identifying the right times for cutting. Episode presenter will be:
· Dr. Don Miller, Ph.D., Director of Product Development, Alforex Seeds
Thursday, May 5
Fluctuations in feed and ingredient markets combined with the ongoing uncertainty in the Ukraine make feed variation more critical than ever. Discover what feed variation really is and how to lower feed costs in today’s markets. Episode presenter will be:
· Dr. John Goeser, PhD, Director of Nutritional Research & Innovation at Rock River Lab, Inc., and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Dairy Science Department at University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Dairy Signal™ is a weekly series of free educational episodes offering insights and resources for fellow dairy farmers and other food system professionals throughout the value chain. Developed by dairy farmers and members of the Professional Dairy Producers® (PDPW) Board of Directors, the episodes air live from 12:00-1:00 PM CT each Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Live sessions offer attendees the opportunity to engage in open Q&A with the speakers; recorded sessions are available later in the day. All Dairy Signal episodes are accessible through www.pdpw.org.