Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation is supportive of the recent votes from the Joint Committee on Finance members on issues that impact the state’s farming community. “Wisconsin Farm Bureau would like to thank the Joint Committee on Finance for passing several key provisions that impact farmers and rural residents,” said Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s Executive Director of Governmental Relations Karen Gefvert.
The committee adopted the following budget items:
Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection
- $2 million in funding for DATCP producer-led watershed grants
- $5 million over five years for promotion of agricultural exports program
- $400,000 in funding for a newly created meat processor grant program
- Funding and position authorization for four additional state meat inspectors
- $400,000 in funding for dairy processor grants
- Farmer mental health funding of $100,000 per year
- Maintain funding for agriculture non-point program
Department of Transportation
- Two percent increase in general transportation aids
- $100 million in Local Roads Improvement Program funding for local government projects
University System
- Nearly $10 million to renovate and add space to the Barron Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
- $2 million to fund UW state agriculture specialist positions
- Maintain funding for Dairy Innovation Hub at $7.8 million each year
Department of Natural Resources
- $2 million in funding for well compensation and abandonment grants
- Maintain funding for agriculture non-point program
Public Service Commission
- $129 million for broadband expansion grants
“We are pleased to see these important priorities included in the proposed budget,” Gefvert said. “We greatly appreciate the leadership from the Joint Committee on Finance and look forward to working with the committee on some of these continuing issues.”