Have you been missing a cream puff, funnel cake, or some other great fair foods? Your chance to eat these delicious foods is at the Dodge County Fairgrounds outside of Beaver Dam, every month, with the next chance on Saturday, June 5, 11-8pm.
Dale Norenberg, a volunteer, said the purpose of the Fair Food Festival is to, “make up for lost time, for funds, and for our fans.” This event has free admission, and a variety of foods like french fries, pulled pork, deep fried oreo’s, different types of grilled cheese, and other offerings that can change each month. The menu is posted before each event on their website.
When asked what visitors were doing last year with no fair food Norenberg said, “Many people were searching for how to make this stuff at home. I think they were trying” but not as successful as the real deal.
They estimated 3,000 people enjoyed the first came festival and Norenberg said, “Supply and demand has been really hard to balance.” Now, they expect to have 10-15 vendors at each Fair Food Festival.
“It’s a win for the fans and the vendors more than anything.” Norenberg said.
Check out the Fair Food Festivals every month with the next event on June 5 at the Dodge County Fairgrounds 11-8pm.