Go Behind-The-Scenes Of Dairy Technology

New technologies and innovations have the potential to boost dairy productivity and animal well-being. But, it can be challenging to decide which is the best fit for your operation.

The 2024 PDP Innovation & Technology Farm Tours offer a chance to see new technologies in action. And, you can hear firsthand from the forward-thinking dairy producers working with them.

The 2024 PDP Innovation & Technology Farm Tours are Aug. 21 in Colby and Aug. 22 in Berlin.

Join dairy producers and industry professionals for conversations and behind-the-scenes tours with the latest in robotic milking, activity and rumination monitors, barn and facility designs, sand separation facilities, and more.


Haas Dairy

Owned and operated by Jeremy and Katie Haas and family, 224547 Dill Creek Lane, Colby will open their doors from 1-4 p.m. on Aug. 21. They milk 200 cows in four DeLaval VMS V300 robotic milking units in a guided flow, milk first layout. A DeLaval Herd Navigator™ 100 is integrated into the VMS V300 to monitor progesterone levels, and they utilize Cow Manager® for activity and rumination. Cows live in a cross-ventilated, sand-bedded barn constructed in 2016. 

Trillium Hill Farm

Owned and operated by David & Julie Jones, Mike & Chelsey Jones and family, and Ben & Samantha Jones and family, N8273 County Rd. F, Berlin, Wis., will host a tour from 1-4 p.m. on Aug. 22. The dairy’s 1,800 cows get milked three times a day in a double-24 parlor, with an average production of 102 pounds per day and 100,000 SC.  A Stjernholm sand separator allows for the reclamation of 99 percent of all sand used, and the innovative feed-pad design enables 95 percent of all rainwater to drain from feed pads while simultaneously collecting all leachate from feed piles.

Tours will begin and end at each farm location; attendees are encouraged to carpool to each event. Registration information and more details are available at www.pdpw.org. Or contact PDP at 800-947-7379.

Up to three Continuing Education Units (CEUs) per tour are available from Dairy AdvanCE.