Brown County Fair exhibitors are partnering with students with special needs and giving them the chance to show a pig.
Bay Port FFA is running the Special Drive at this year’s Brown County Fair. This is a pig show which gives students with special needs the opportunity to show a pig after an afternoon of mentorship from current fair exhibitors. This event will take place on Friday Aug. 16 from 3-5:15 p.m. in the North Show Barn and Swine Barn at the Brown County Fairgrounds in DePere. The event is open to ages 8-18 and limited to the first 12 students to sign up.
Brown County Fair exhibitors are paired with students to learn about raising and showing swine from 3:00 PM – 4:30PM. Upon conclusion of this, they official show will begin at 4:30pm. This event is free for students to participate.
If you know someone who may be interested in being a show participant, sign up here.