Feeding Wisconsin Talks Hunger In D.C.

Feeding Wisconsin is a network of food banks that provides emergency food to more than 1,000 food pantries and programs in all 72 counties. The organization was in Washington D.C. this week to tell lawmakers how they’re making a difference in the community.

Jackie Anderson, the new executive director, is among the group. She says monetary support can go a long way in tackling hunger in Wisconsin. She’s encouraging lawmakers to support food pantries and the programs that allow people to access food share — big topics in the Farm Bill.

Over 600,000 Wisconsinites including more than 200,000 children are food insecure, Anderson explains. The cost per meal has increased by more than a dollar in recent years. Wisconsin families have a shortage of $450 million and 116 million meals that they have to make up on their own.

“If we don’t help support our food structure that we have right now, these families are going to be struggling more than they already are,” Anderson says.

She explains that hunger is prevalent in all types of communities — rural and urban. And due to inflation, there are up to three times more requests for food support because families can’t make ends meet like they did before.

This is the picture Anderson is painting for Congressional leaders in D.C. She’s asking legislators to eliminate policy barriers in the Farm Bill for people to participate in nutrition programs.