The Farmer Angel Network will be hosting “Shifting Gears -Facing Changing Times” to be presented by Joy Kirkpatrick, Center for Dairy Profitability, to help farm families explore and plan for their later farming years. This will be held via Zoom video conference. There is no charge but participants must register by Nov. 6 to receive the Zoom link and digital participant worksheets. Register by email: [email protected] or call the Sauk Co. Extension office at 608-355-3250.
This presentation will introduce participants to Shifting Gears, a program designed to help farmers looking for a change of pace, responsibility, or markets. This program helps farmers determine where they are now, where they want to be, and how do they get there. Even if the owners are not planning on fully retiring from careers as many workers do, it is important to discuss their vision with family and farming partners, and plan on shifting gears, slowing down and finding other activities to enjoy.
Note this is an introduction to a longer, more in depth program/series.
The Farmer Angel Network builds strong rural communities that support agriculture by providing education, resources, and fellowship with a focus on mental health.
- Fellowship and support for farmers
- Build community connections/networks among farmers and between farmers and their communities
- Education and resources
- Mental health support
- Appreciation for farmers
- Celebrate and embrace rural culture
Find out more about Farmer Angel Network on our Facebook page. To reach out to Farmer Angel Network, Contact Alana Voss, [email protected] or 608-355-3250