DATCP and the Department of Revenue are providing another round of the Farm Support Program — direct aid payments to Wisconsin farmers who have experienced economic loss due to the pandemic.
“Seeing how hard they were hit by the pandemic, Governor Evers understood that it was important to jump in and provide some assistance to farmers who have never stopped working during the pandemic,” DATCP Secretary Randy Romanski tells the Mid-West Farm Report. “While the initial disruptions in the supply chain showed up through things like farmers having to dispose of milk or the supply chain disruptions in the meat processing industry … there are still disruptions in the supply chain, it’s just that those disruptions are in a different place.”
He notes high costs of feed, difficulties getting equipment and increased cost of other inputs are current issues that sparked the Evers administration to step in and provide more funding through the Farm Support Program.
Today, DOR began sending letters to eligible applicants. Romanski explains farmers will obtain information about the program and a Letter ID, which is required to complete the application. These letters will be sent to farmers with at least $10,000 but less than $5 million in gross income.
Eligible farmers should apply online through the DOR at revenue.wi.gov. The application link will be live at 8 a.m. on Nov. 8 and will close at 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 29.
Farmers who did not receive a letter and believe they qualify, or farmers who cannot apply online may request assistance by calling (608) 266-2772. Spanish- and Hmong-speaking farmers should call DOR at (608) 266-2772 for assistance.