Farm Bureau Hosting Earth Week Series

Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation is presenting a three-part webinar series during Earth Week. The webinars will explore carbon perspectives throughout the supply chain.

“Carbon is the Wild West and we are excited to offer this opportunity to provide clarity about it,” said WFBF Director of Sustainability Communications and Partnerships Rachel LaCount. “Carbon is just one piece of the sustainability puzzle but it is important to understand how it can help you reach your goals.”

The series will begin on Earth Day, April 22, with Dr. Frank Mitloehner from UC Davis. Dr. Mitloehner will share the latest carbon research and data from UC Davis and the CLEAR Center. Attendees will learn about the methane cycle and the true impact of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.

The second webinar will feature Ben Huber from Insight FS on April 24. Huber will share insights about contracts, data collection, and other considerations for farmers who are interested in pursuing carbon market opportunities. Attendees will also hear firsthand from farmers who are actively engaging in carbon markets.

The series concludes on April 26 with Dan Christenson from PepsiCo. Christenson will share perspectives on carbon throughout the value chain. Attendees will learn about PepsiCo’s commitment to sourcing ingredients that accelerate regenerative agriculture, especially as it relates to carbon markets, and how they are working with farmers on carbon sequestration.

All webinars will take place at 11 a.m. Webinars are free to attend and will be recorded. Learn more about the speakers and register: