Fall Deer Hunt: Disabled Hunters, Register Today!

Eligible hunters hoping to participate in the Gun Deer Hunt For Hunters With Disabilities have until Sept. 15 to contact and confirm a location with a hunt landowner sponsor. 

Thousands of acres of land are available for this year’s hunt, which will take place Oct. 5-13, 2024. Some properties can accommodate more hunters than others, so hunters are advised to contact potential sponsors as early as possible to determine availability. Hunters should contact sponsors directly.

To sign up for a hunt, hunters or assistants should provide their name, contact information and DNR customer ID number. To be eligible, hunters must possess a valid Class A, C or D disabled permit or qualifying Class B permit. Eligible hunters may sign up for one sponsored property per year and must possess a gun deer license.

For more information, visit the DNR’s Deer Hunting for Hunters with Disabilities webpage.