Wisconsin had 3.4 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending April 11, 2021, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Some fieldwork was accomplished early in this week before cooler air and slow, soaking rains moved through the state. Over an inch of precipitation total fell over multiple days of rain, helping to increase soil moisture. Temperatures were well above normal again, with daytime highs ranging from the 50s to low 80s. Tillage, manure and fertilizer applications were underway in many areas. Some farmers were planting small grains, potatoes and alfalfa. Pasture and overwintered crops were greening up. Reporters commented that there was very little winterkill visible at this time. Fruit trees were beginning to bud.
Topsoil moisture condition rated 3% very short, 15% short, 66% adequate and 16% surplus. Subsoil moisture condition rated 3% very short, 13% short, 71% adequate and 13% surplus.
Nineteen percent of oats are planted, 7 days ahead of last year and 12 days ahead of the 5-year average.
Potatoes are 6% planted, 7 days ahead of both last year and the average.
Spring tillage was reported as 20% complete, 10 days ahead of last year and 13 days ahead of the average.