Done Planting? Finish Your Crop Acreage Report

Agricultural producers should make an appointment with their local Farm Service Agency office to complete crop acreage reports before the applicable deadline after planting is complete.

July 15 is a major deadline for most crops, but acreage reporting deadlines vary by county and by crop.  

“By filing an accurate and timely acreage report for all crops and land uses, including failed acreage and prevented planted acreage, producers can avoid the loss of important safety net, disaster assistance, conservation, and crop insurance program benefits,” says FSA Administrator Zach Ducheneaux.

An acreage report documents a crop grown on a farm or ranch, its intended use, and its location. Producers can contact their FSA county office for acreage reporting deadlines that are specific to their county.  

Prevented Planted Acreage 

Producers should also report crop acreage they intended to plant but were unable to because of a natural disaster, including drought.

Prevented planted acreage must be reported on form CCC-576, Notice of Loss, no later than 15 calendar days after the final planting date.  

FSA recently updated a policy that applies to prevented planted acreage due to drought. To certify prevented planted acreage due to drought, all of the following must apply:  

  • The area that is prevented from being planted has insufficient soil moisture for seed germination on the final planting date for non-irrigated acreage. 
  • Prolonged precipitation deficiencies that meet the D3 or D4 drought intensity level as determined by the U.S. Drought Monitor.  
  • Verifiable information must be collected from sources whose business or purpose is recording weather conditions as determined by FSA. Portal 

Producers can access their FSA farm records, maps, and common land units through the customer portal:

The portal allows producers to export field boundaries as shapefiles and import and view other shapefiles, such as precision agriculture boundaries within farm records mapping.  Producers can view, print, and label their maps for acreage reporting purposes.