The Dairy Innovation Hub will hold its fifth annual Dairy Summit conference on Nov. 20, hosted by the UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.
Formatted for a general audience, the Summit features the Hub’s newest projects. Anyone unable to attend in person can participate through a live virtual option. Recorded sessions will be on YouTube after the event.
Hub events are free and open to the public. Pre-registration is required:
In addition to research presentations, there’s a session dedicated to on-farm implementation. It will highlight farmers and service providers using Hub research outcomes.
One project features Jennifer Van Os, an assistant professor and extension specialist in animal welfare. She’s partnered with Jordan Matthews from Rosy-Lane Holsteins in Watertown on an educational video game called “Mooving Cows”. This game gives dairy workers, and anyone interested, the opportunity to practice cow-handling skills. Van Os will provide an overview of the project. Matthews will share his experience participating in the research and development phase and using the finished product as a training tool. This session demonstrates the Hub’s efforts to showcase research that is having an impact on Wisconsin farmers.
After lunch, guests will select from two tour options – Arlington Agricultural Research Station or UW–Madison, CALS campus research facilities. Door-to-door transportation is provided via coach buses returning to Union South by 4:30 p.m. Tours include diverse research experiences such as artificial intelligence, methane emissions, water quality, beef x dairy carcass traits, and lactose-free dairy products.
“CALS is very excited to host this year’s Dairy Summit, and we are especially excited to show attendees the facilities where ground-breaking agricultural research happens at Wisconsin’s flagship public university during tours of these critical facilities,” says CALS Dean Glenda Gillaspy.
Register and view the complete schedule: