Dairy Farmers Invited To Forage Management Workshop

Dairy farmers in the region are invited to join UW-Madison Division of Extension educators for an educational workshop on Forage Management on Thursday February 27, from 10 AM to 3 PM. The workshop will be held at UW Whitewater University at the Community Engagement Center, 1260 W Main Street, Whitewater, WI 53190.

This workshop will provide dairy farmers with the knowledge and tools to enhance their forage management practices and improve the profitability and sustainability of their operations. This workshop will cover a range of critical topics, which include:

  • Feed Management Strategies
  • Optimizing Feed Storage
  • Improving Feed Efficiency
  • Planting and Managing Alfalfa
  • Green Feeding Techniques
  • And more!

The workshop features Dr. Luiz Ferraretto, Assistant professor & Extension Specialist – Ruminant nutrition
from UW Madison department of Animal and Dairy Sciences, Dr. Martha Moura Kohmann, Assistant
professor & Extension Specialist in forage systems agroecology from UW Madison department of Plant and Agroecosystems Sciences, Josh Kamps, Regional Crops & Soils educator from Jefferson, Rock and Walworth counties and M.S. Alison Pfau, Bilingual Regional Dairy educator from Dane, Jefferson, Rock and Walworth counties.

The cost to attend is $10 which includes dinner and all workshop materials.
Pre-registration is required by February 20th, 2025.
Register here: https://go.wisc.edu/forage-management

For more information please contact:

  • Alison Pfau – Bilingual Regional Dairy Educator (alison.pfau@wisc.edu) 608-220-4770
  • Josh Kamps – Regional Crops & Soils Educator (Joshua.kamps@wisc.edu) 608-673-0680
  • Katelyn Broedlow – kbroedlow@jeffersoncountywi.gov or call 920-674-7295.