Crop Conditions Get Better

Corn and soybean conditions are up after a week of seasonal temperatures and scattered showers across the state, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Corn condition rated 75 percent good to excellent the week ending July 4, 6 percentage points above the prior week. Soybeans rated 71 percent good to excellent, a 3 percentage point increase. Soybeans are reported 32 percent blooming, a day behind last year, but six days ahead of the five-year average. Three percent of pods are setting.

Potatoes and winter wheat condition also improved. Potatoes are rated 95 percent good to excellent, 7 percentage points above the week prior. Winter wheat condition is rated 76 percent good to excellent, 1 percentage point higher than the week before. Winter wheat is reported 86 percent coloring, eight days ahead of last year and 10 days ahead of the average. Four percent of winter wheat for grain is harvested.

Meanwhile, oats rated 70 percent good to excellent, which is a 5 percentage point drop from the week prior. Oats are reported 90 percent headed, five days ahead of last year and 11 days ahead of the average. Thirty-three percent of oats are coloring, four days ahead of last year and six days ahead of the average.

The second cutting of alfalfa hay is reported 51 percent complete, five days ahead of both last year and the average. The third cutting just began at 1 percent complete. All hay condition was rated 70 percent good to excellent, which is an 8 percentage point increase.

And pasture condition was rated 65 percent good to excellent, 5 percentage points above the week prior.