While no significant precipitation was reported this past week, wind and melting snow were sometimes enough to restrict fieldwork, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Wisconsin had 5.6 days suitable for fieldwork this past week. Temperatures were slightly below normal. Corn harvest is mostly complete, and only scattered soybean fields are left unharvested. Manure application also continued.
Topsoil moisture condition rated 5 percent very short, 19 percent short, 72 percent adequate and 4 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture condition rated 9 percent very short, 17 percent short, 71 percent adequate and 3 percent surplus.
Ninety-two percent of corn for grain was harvested, one day ahead of last year. Moisture content at harvest for grain was reported at 17 percent.
Winter wheat condition rated 80 percent good to excellent, 1 percentage point above last week. Fall tillage was 83 percent complete, six days ahead of last year.