Connecting Farmers To Consumers Through Legislation

Connecting consumers to their food sources is more important than ever. The state legislature recognizes that and, in an effort to support farmers and healthy food for consumers, introduced several bills. State Senator Brad Pfaff spearheaded these initiatives to connect farmers to consumers and open up opportunities for everyone to enjoy Wisconsin made products.

“We want to make sure that we can continue to connect consumers with Wisconsin farmers,” Senator Pfaff stated. “That connection between farmers and consumers is so very important. We also want to make sure that our supply chain continues to widen out.”

There are several bills that Senator Pfaff and colleagues in the State Assembly have put together to address these issues. One will create a food security grant program that builds off of an existing DATCP program. “Wisconsin grown products would be available at food pantries and food assistance organizations,” said Senator Pfaff.

Legislation would also expand farm to school programs so students can eat and enjoy Wisconsin grown food. Senator Pfaff cites narrow supply chains as the reason not all students have access to these foods.

Another bill would make sure that farmers markets and other fresh agricultural markets can accept electronic payments. This would expand opportunities for farmers to sell their products to a larger consumer base as well as provide more options for consumers to purchase those products.

Despite the very partisan environment in the State Capitol, Senator Pfaff feels confident that these bills will pass. “Every single individual that lives in this state – may they be Republican or Democrat, may they be urban, suburban, or rural – they all have to eat. And all we’re trying to do here is we’re trying to make sure that our farmers and our consumers continue to have that strong connection.”