While schools are closed and millions of kids learn virtually at home, Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin (DFW) and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) share a unique opportunity for kids to visit a farm without leaving the house. The two groups joined forces to create and launch a virtual farm tour of Scientific Holsteins in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, hosted by Julia Nunes, Wisconsin’s 73rd Alice in Dairyland.
“Kids enjoy seeing where their food comes from and who cares for the animals, so I’m excited to showcase my family’s dairy farm and share our dairy story,” said Nunes. “Dairy plays an essential role in a sustainable food system, and Wisconsin dairy farmers have dedicated their lives to feeding communities across the nation.”
Each year, 90,000 fourth grade students study a robust Wisconsin unit as part of the Social Studies curriculum. Students learn about Wisconsin’s heritage, culture, careers and communities, making the state’s $45.6 billion dairy industry a natural fit.
“It’s important to help kids understand why Wisconsin is America’s Dairyland and that dairy is good for their bodies, our community and the environment. This virtual farm tour is an excellent tool for the fourth-grade curriculum, and we’re thrilled to offer it as another learning opportunity from home,” said Suzanne Fanning, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin.
The virtual farm tour is geared toward grades 3-5 with an emphasis on fourth grade and is available for download at WisconsinDairy.org/Farm-Tour.